information material

The OBPS has produced a range of popular science and newsletter articles, infographics and videos. We encourage their wide adoption and use, but please credit Ocean Best Practices System.

Infographics and Posters 
Promotional Videos

Ocean Practices for the Decade (2023)

General Articles
2020 Van Stavel, J., Karstensen, J.,Hermes, J. and Pearlman, J. (2020) Planning a sustainable future for Earth’s oceans, Eos, 101.
2020 Pearlman, J., Simpson, P., Karstensen,J., Buttigieg, P.L., Pearlman, F., Waldmann, C. and Hoerstmann, C. (2020) Improving Global and Regional Ocean Observing Through Best Practices and Standards. IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Newsletter, June 2020, pp. 17-21.
2018 Hermes, J., J. Pearlman, and P. L. Buttigieg (2018) What’s the best way to responsibly collect ocean data?, Eos, 99
2018 Pearlman, J.; Bushnell, M.; Buttigieg, P.L.; Hermes, J.; Heslop, E.; Karstensen, J.; Muñoz, C.; Pearlman, F. and Simpson, P. (2018) Bringing It All Together – Toward A Sustainable Capability for Ocean Best Practices. OES Beacon Newsletter of the Oceanic Engineering Society, 7(1), pp.31-34.
Simpson, P. (2018) Ocean Best Practices – practitioners knowledge exchange. Challenger Wave, July 2018